First House Credit Loan

Fayora Imobiliare is the BCR partner for The New House Credit Loan!

Contact Fayora Imobiliare and we will work together with the BCR adviser to analyze your needs, and then we will counsel you all the way till you purchase your new home! We were chosen by BCR for our earnestness! Do the same!

Apply for a house loan at BCR!

Do you remember your first bike? Your first favorite toy? The first book read? You didn't know it yet, but the time to pick a home would come. Now, however, you konw how important this is to you. Choose the New House loan and turn your hectic life into a rich one, at home!



Beneficiaries: to obtain this credit you need to be minimum18 years old, and to fulfill the criteria of the governmental program „FIRST HOUSE” and the bank's own eligibility criteria.

Destination: We recommend you, and BCR will approve your credit application based on:

 a) to buy a new housing unit, for which the handover protocol at the completion of the new
construction works was signed no later than 5 years before the date when the guaranteed loan is
applied for
b) to buy a consolidated housing unit, for which the handover protocol at the completion of the
intervention works to consolidate and/or decrease the seismic risk was signed no later than 5
years before the date when the guaranteed loan is applied for
c) to buy a housing unit, for which the handover protocol at the completion of the new
construction or intervention works to consolidate and/or decrease the seismic risk, as the case
may be, was signed more than 5 years before the date when the guaranteed loan is applied for
d) to develop a future housing unit as an individual owner

 Currency: RON

Maximum amount: up to 95% of the purchasing price, but no more than:

 – not more than 95% of the purchase price, without going in excess of EUR 66,500 in RON
equivalent in the case of loans granted for the houses referred to letters a)-c) of the Destination
paragraph, with a purchase price of maximum EUR 70,000 in RON equivalent, but not more than the
value resulting from the valuation report of the house
– not more than 85% of the purchase price, with a value between minimum of EUR 59,501 and
maximum of EUR 119,000 in RON equivalent in the case of loans granted for the houses referred to
letters a)-c) of the Destination paragraph, with a purchase price between EUR 70,001 – EUR 140,000
in RON equivalent, but not more than the value resulting from the valuation report of the house

 Maximum duration: 30 years

Minimum down payment

– 5% of the purchase price for the houses referred to letters a) to c) of the destination paragraph, with a
purchase price of maximum EUR 70,000 in RON equivalent
– 15% of the purchase price for the houses referred to letters a)-b) of the destination paragraph, with a
purchase price between 70.001 -140.000 EUR RON equivalent

Guaranties: We recommend you and BCR will accept your loan application based on:

 ● If you put the Bank as beneficiary of a mortgage on the real estate property
bought/developed based on the loan
● In exchange for the guarantee established based on what you collect in your current
accounts opened with BCR (movable mortgage on all crediting accounts)
● In exchange for a collateral deposit established to the benefit of the Bank and valid throughout
the loan duration, filled with the amount of the first three interest rates, valid and frozen for the
entire loan duration



● The Mandatory Home Insurance (PAD) in favor of the state, represented by the Ministry of Public Finances and the bank, for the whole duration.

● Optional Building Insurance purchased with the credit, in favor of the state, represented by the Ministry of Public Finances and the bank, for the whole duration

● Building Insurance for the building work in progress


 – Optional Life Insurance BCR Life Insurance (against payment), provided that the eligibility
conditions set up by the Insurer are met.
– Complex Optional Insurance (against payment), supporting you in case of unemployment,
extended medical leave and total and permanent disability (if the eligibility conditions set
up by the Insurer are met)
– Optional Insurance for serious diseases and partial and permanent disability (against
payment), supporting you in case of risks occurrence of myocardial infarction, cancer,
cerebral vascular accident, partial and permanent disability (if the eligibility conditions set up by
the Insurer are met

 Required documents:

Identification (for applicant, family members and if needed other people that participate with their income in paying the credit)

Marriage Certificate or Divorce Sentence, if needed (copy)

Proof of income (for applicant, and if needed other co-payers; different forms according to income)

Documents confirming the down payment: purchase draft of contract, notary authenticated receipt, etc.

Documents regarding other credits/credit cards/overdraft that the applicants has from other banks.

Declaration by self responsibility and authenticated, that at the moment of application the applicant does not own personally or with the marriage partner, no house/apartment, regardless of the matter of obtainment, or that the applicant, sole or with the marriage partner do not own a place to live obtained by any other means than this program, larger than 50m².

B. Specific documents, different for the credit destination: purchase, build etc.:

For instance, to buy a home you need:

Draft of purchase contract

Proof of property (copy)

Declaration by self responsibility of seller, that according to the 10/2001 Law, the real estate property is not judiciary challenged and that there are no judicial controversies about it

Extracts from the Fiduciary registry (copy)

Certificate of energetic efficience.

Ask your BCR consultant for the complete list of all documents required for a credit application, according to your needs! desp-001 

This is what you need to do in order to get a credit loan from BCR:

– Contact us and we will make an appointment with a BCR loan consultant

– Show the BCR consultant documents about your income

– Verify if all conditions are met for the amount requested

– After your documents are accepted (including documents attesting the building to be purchased), we present you the “Standard European information regarding private loans” and sign the loan application

– After paying the evaluation tax, an external evaluator will analyze the building signed as guaranty

– Together with BCR we will inform you if your application was accepted or rejected

– If your application has been accepted, you sign the loan contract, guaranty contracts, insurance policies, etc.

– BCR will transfer the money into your account, from where you can make the transfers towards the seller/builder, provider, etc, according to the purchasing contract, or towards the financial institutions if the goal is to refinance an existing credit.

If the desired building hasn’t been found at the moment BCR approves the credit, you will have 45 days at your disposal to find it and prepare the necessary documentation.




Firstly they approve your application and then you have up to 90 days to find the home of your dreams


● Small monthly installment → a decreased financial effort given the reduced cost and the long
loan duration

● Zero analysis commission


● you can bring up to 3 co payers which means you can get a bigger amount


By buying life and unemployment insurance you protect yourself and your family. In case of unfortunate events, the credit does not become a burden.


● the documentation is simplified: no copies of your work contract, even without paycheck proof if your income gets into a BCR account

● you get specialized consultancy on whole credit duration


● You can pay the monthly rates without going to the bank, by using Click / Alo 24 Banking BCR

● You have the possibility of reimbursing the whole amount with zero costs

● You can pay fixed or decreasing rates
